Corporate Social Responsibility

QNET employees and Independent Representatives are bound together by the concept of RYTHM – Raise Yourself To Help Mankind. 

RYTHM Foundation and its Malaysian chapter, the Vijayaratnam Foundation both serve as the implementing partners for QNET’s sustainable philanthropic initiatives in developing countries; making a difference in the communities in which we operate.

All our projects are anchored to three pillars:

  • Children with Special Needs
  • Community Development
  • Community Well-Being



Employees and Independent Representatives of QNET contribute generously to Taarana, a school for children with special needs that was established by the Vijayaratnam Foundation in Malaysia.

Taarana, which means "awakening" in Sanskrit, is the only one of its kind in Malaysia offering tailor made programmes and educational facilities for young children between the ages of three and 15, who face different types of development delay disorders. 


In 2013, QNET signed a friendship agreement with Dubai-based Rashid Paediatric Centre, a world-class youth development and education centre for disabled young people.

In early 2014, QNET sponsored a cultural exchange programme for a group of young students from Rashid Centre to Malaysia, where they were hosted by the children of of Taraana.


QNET through RYTHM Foundation, supports Narayanan Krishnan, one of CNN’s top ten heroes in 2010, for his tireless efforts in providing shelter, food and care for the helpless, homeless, sick, elderly, mentally-ill and destitute in-and-around Madurai in Tamil Nadu (India).

QNET contributed towards the construction of Akshaya Home. One of the eight buildings in this campus has been named RYTHM Block – it houses the kitchen, dining and storeroom areas where three meals and tea are served to over 400 people every day.